Troubleshooting Tools

Attention: The Virtual Care Solution is not currently released. The documentation in this Help Center is to be used for testing purposes only.

The Virtual Care Solution requires adequate internet connectivity and bandwidth speed to successfully process video communications between requesters and remote providers. Insufficient bandwidth and connectivity can result in broken video, frozen video calls, repeated reconnection attempts, and disconnected video.

Several troubleshooting tools for testing bandwidth speed and Wi-Fi signal strength can be used to identify potential issues that may impact your Virtual Care Solution meeting experience.

The first step towards identifying any issues with your Virtual Care Solution connection should be using tools that are approved and recommended by your organization's IT department, if applicable. Contact your IT department for more information.

Additionally, third-party websites and tools can be leveraged to identify bandwidth and Wi-Fi signal strengths, which can be communicated to your local IT services. Examples of these free, online tools include:

Note: Please check with your IT Department, if applicable, before downloading third-party applications onto equipment provided by your organization, such as iPads and desktop computers.