Patient Risk Surveillance Troubleshooting Guide

This section identifies issues that may arise during use of the Rules Manager interface and Patient Risk Surveillance product as a whole, along with suggested mitigations/workarounds and corrective actions. Issues with the Rules Manager interface and corresponding troubleshooting steps are addressed first, followed by other issues that could arise using the system in tabular format. For more technical issues, please see Technical Issues and Workarounds.

If any questions remain unanswered after viewing this information, please contact Hillrom’s Technical Support Department at 1‑800-445-3720.


Choose a topic from the list below.

I am unable to:

Access Rules Manager

Approve (or enable) a rule

Assign (or unassign) rules

Change (or update) a rule configuration

Configure rules (or perform other actions in Rules Manager)

Create a new rule

Create a new rule based on an existing risk score template

Delete a rule

Edit a risk context

Edit a risk score

Edit a risk stratification

Edit a rule

Edit a rule response

Edit risk factor stale times

Pause (or resume) a rule

Print out rules

View rules, assigned entities, or other content in Rule Manager


Access Rules Manager

Note: Rules Manager is only accessible to authorized users via the Enterprise Configuration Portal.

To access Rules Manager, the "Patient Risk Surveillance" connection must first be configured in the Enterprise Configuration Portal. Once configured, a manage rules icon is displayed at the Enterprise level of the configured tenant hierarchy in Enterprise Configuration Portal.

Clicking on this icon will open Rules Manager in a separate tab. If clicking the icon does not launch Rules Manager, disable any pop-up blocker installed on the machine—or at least allow access to Enterprise Configuration Portal/Rules Manager. If clicking the icon still does not launch Rules Manager, try performing the following steps: 1) log out of Enterprise Configuration Portal, 2) close the browser, 3) log back into the Enterprise Configuration Portal, and 4) click the icon. If the Rules Manager tab still doesn’t open, contact Hillrom Technical Support.

  1. Click to open the Rules Manager in a separate tab.
    Note: If clicking the icon does not launch the Rules Manager, disable any pop-up blocker installed on the machine, or at least allow access to the Enterprise Configuration Portal/Rules Manager. If clicking the icon still does not launch the Rules Manager, log out of the Enterprise Configuration Portal, close the browser, log back in to ECP, and click the icon again.

If the Rules Manager tab still doesn’t open, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Configure rules (or perform other actions in Rules Manager)

Note: Customer access to the Rules Manager is view-only; customers do not have the ability to directly configure rules, risk scores, risk context, clinical tasks, risk-based notifications, or to perform any other functions within the Rule Manager while logged in with a customer account. If any changes to the existing configurations are desired, please contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.

Rules Manager permissions depend on the role being used to access Rule Manager. First, make sure that the desired function is enabled for your role. The table below is a guide to the permissions provided for each role in Rules Manager:

Permissions Table

Role Create / Edit / Delete Rules, Risk Scores, Risk Context, Clinical Tasks, Notification Settings, etc. Enable / Disable Rules Approve Rules* Pause / Resume Rules
Hillrom Admin Yes Yes View Only Yes
Hillrom Clinical Specialist Yes Yes View Only Yes
Hillrom Technical Support View Only View Only View Only View Only
Hillrom Read-Only View Only View Only View Only View Only
Customer Admin View Only View Only View Only View Only
Customer Rule Approver View Only No View Only No
Customer Clinical Informatics Specialist View Only View Only View Only View Only
Customer Read-Only View Only View Only View Only View Only
Note: *No official rule-approval permissions are implemented within the Rules Manager. Instead, official rule approval is performed via a manual process, where the Customer signs a printout of the rules from the Rules Manager. Rules can then be approved and enabled within Rules Manager via check box selections.

If any changes to the existing configurations are desired, please contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Create a rule

There are two ways to create a new rule:
  • If no rules have been created yet, refer to Step 1 below.
  • If a rule using the desired risk score template has already been created, refer to Step 2.
  1. In Rules Manager, click the "hamburger" menu icon (upper left corner) to access the Main Menu.
  2. Under Rule Configuration, click New Rule.
    Note: If New Rule button is not displayed, you will need to obtain the proper permissions. Refer to the Permissions Table for guidance.
  3. Select one of the risk score templates provided.
  4. Name the rule
  5. Click Continue.

    The risk score configuration template for that rule will be displayed.

  6. To edit the risk score configuration, click Edit.
    Note: To edit the response (or "notification") settings, select the Response Configuration tab. For a SIRS score, there will also be a Risk Context tab for editing a rule's risk context.

If you are unable to create a rule after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Create a new rule based on an existing risk score template
  1. Click Save As on the Score Configuration tab of the risk score template.
  2. When a prompt is displayed, name the rule and then click Save. The rule will then be editable.


Edit a rule

There are two ways to edit a rule:
  • From the Score Configuration, Response Configuration, or Risk Context tabs, refer to Step 1 below.
  • From the Rule Inventory screen, use Step 2.
  1. In one of the tabs listed above, click Edit. Then, make the desired changes to the rule via the configuration options provided.
  2. Access the Main Menu by clicking the "hamburger" menu icon (upper left corner of the screen), then select Rule Inventory to view the created rules. Next, click View/Edit on the desired rule to display the Rule Configuration screen with the Score Configuration, Response Configuration, and Risk Context tabs (as applicable).
    Attention: Editing a rule will affect all Units assigned to that rule.
  3. Click Done Editing when finished.

If you are unable to edit a rule after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Approve (or enable) a rule

A rule can be approved and enabled in Rules Manager by checking the box next to Rule is Approved and Enabled on the Score Configuration tab of the rule. However, in order for a risk score (or risk stratification) configuration to be accepted, the values entered must be valid. If a validation error is displayed when configuring a risk score (or risk stratification), make sure that all configurations conform to the following requirements:

  • All values must be in a range of 1-99.
  • No special characters are allowed except for Level Of Consciousness.
  • For the Level of Consciousness risk factor, only values indicated in the score configuration legend (below) for A, V, P, and U may be entered. Also, only one HRXXXX value should be entered per score column in the score configuration table.

    All parameter (or risk factor) ranges and thresholds must be continuous to the level of resolution of the specific risk factor, and must not overlap.

    • For example, a heart rate range of 51-100 beats/min. could be assigned a point value of 0 and a heart rate range of 101­110 beats/min. could be assigned a point value of 1, since the difference between the top of the lower range (100) and the bottom of the upper range (101) is within 1 beat/min., the resolution of heart rate measurements. However, ranges of 51­99 beats/min. and 101­110 beats/min. would be invalid.
    • Similarly, a temperature range of 35.0°­38.4°C could be assigned a point value of 0 and a temperature range of ≥ 38.5°C could be assigned a point value of 1, since the difference between the top of the lower range (38.4°C) and the bottom of the upper range (38.5°C) is within 0.1°C, the resolution of temperature measurements. However, ranges of 35.0°­38.4°C and ≥ 38.6°C would be invalid.
  • All risk stratification ranges and thresholds must be continuous and must not overlap.
    • For example, a Medium risk stratification could be defined as a MEWS score of 5­9, and a High risk stratification could be defined as a MEWS score of ≥ 10. However, ranges of 5­8 and ≥ 10 would be invalid because there is a gap (i.e., a MEWS score of 9 with no associated risk stratification).
    • Likewise, a Low risk stratification could be defined as a MEWS score of ≤ 4 and a Medium risk stratification could be defined as a MEWS score of 5­9. However, ranges of ≤4 and 4­9 would be invalid because there is an overlap (a MEWS score of 4 with both Low and Medium risk stratifications).
    • Rules that have not passed the minimum validation requirement cannot exit out of Edit mode, as listed above. The area of the score configuration that does not meet requirements (highlighted in pink) must be changed to meet validation before the rule can exit Edit mode.

If you are unable to approve or enable a rule within the Rules Manager by following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Delete a rule
Note: Rules that are enabled cannot be deleted; the Delete button will display as greyed out.
  1. Access the Main Menu by clicking the "hamburger" menu icon (upper left corner of the screen).
  2. Select Rule Configuration to view rules that have already been created.
  3. Click Delete on the desired rule to remove it.

If you are unable to delete a rule after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Edit a risk score

  1. To edit a risk score, click Edit on the Score Configuration tab of a rule.
  2. To edit a point value assigned to specific values of the risk factors comprising the risk score, select the point value in the first row of the risk score configuration table and enter the desired value.
  3. To edit the range of values for a risk factor that will generate a given point value, select the range and enter the desired range, making sure to conform to the risk score validation requirements. The following legend should be used as displayed in the UI for calculations in score configuration:
    Equal == X Less Than or Equal To <= X
    Less Than < X Range > X < Y; >= X <= Y
    Greater Than > X Not Between <X > Y; <= X >= Y
    Greater Than or Equal To >= X Y is larger than X
  4. Click Done Editing when finished.

If you are unable to edit a risk score after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Edit a risk stratification

  1. Click Edit on the Score Configuration tab of a rule.
  2. Select—and enter—the desired ranges for the provided risk stratifications for the risk score, making sure to conform to the risk stratification validation requirements.
  3. Click Done Editing when finished.

If you are unable to edit a risk stratification after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Edit a rule response

To edit the system response (i.e., clinical decision support) for a rule:
  1. Click Edit on the Response Configuration tab of a rule. This allows:
    • Risk-based notifications to be enabled (or disabled) by risk stratification (unless locked)
    • Risk-based notification text to be entered for each risk stratification
    • Notification fatigue settings to be specified, and
    • Clinical tasks to be entered (or removed) for each risk stratification
  2. Click Add to add clinical tasks (or Delete to remove them) after selecting the associated checkbox.
  3. Click Done Editing when finished.

If you are unable to edit a rule response after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Edit a risk context

  1. Click Edit on the Risk Context tab of a rule (for SIRS only).
    Note: This allows risk context groups and individual risk context elements to be selected for display on supported clinical interfaces.
  2. Use the dropdown elements to display the individual risk context elements within each group.
    Note: All risk context elements within a group can be selected by checking the box next to that group (or just the desired individual risk context elements can be selected via their associated checkboxes.
  3. Click Done Editing when finished.

If you are unable to edit risk context after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Edit risk factor stale times

To edit stale times of risk factors that comprise a risk score:
  1. Access the Main Menu by clicking the "hamburger" menu icon (upper left corner of the screen).
  2. Select the rule you want to edit the stale times for under the Rule Configuration tab.
    Note: This will display the stale time for each risk factor in separate boxes for days, hours, and minutes.
  3. Enter the desired value in each box—up to a maximum of 7 days.

If you are unable to edit risk factor stale times after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Assign (or unassign) rules

To assign (or unassign) rules to child entities:
  1. Click Assign Rule on one of the Rule Configuration tabs to display a slide-over control with the tenant hierarchy (i.e., Region, Organization, Facility, and Unit) under the Enterprise.
  2. Use the Select All check box to select all entities at a given level of the tenant hierarchy (or click the drop-down arrow at a given level of the hierarchy to display all the entities at that level and select each entity individually via its associated check box).
    Note: Similarly, a rule can be unassigned from an entity by de-selecting the associated checkbox.

If you are unable to assign (or unassign) rules after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Pause (or resume) a rule

Pause a rule

  1. Access the Main Menu by clicking the "hamburger" menu icon (upper left corner of the screen).
  2. Select Rule Inventory to view rules that have already been created.
  3. Click Pause on the desired rule to pause it.

Resume a rule

  1. Perform Steps 1 and 2, above.
  2. Click Resume on the rule.

If you are unable to pause (or resume) a rule after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Print out rules

To print out a specific rule:
  1. Click Print This Rule on the Score Configuration tab of the risk score template.
To print out all rules configured for a Unit:
  1. Click Print All Rules on the Rule Inventory screen.
    Note: Both screens can be accessed via the Main Menu by clicking the "hamburger" menu icon (upper left corner of the screen).
    Note: A specific entity can be chosen via the Current Entity dropdown at the top of the screen.

If you are unable to print out rules after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


View rules, assigned entities, or other content in Rules Manager
Note: The same roles that have permissions to create, edit, and delete rules also have the permissions needed to assign (or unassign) rules and view entities.

View assigned rules

The assigned rules for a Unit can be viewed on the Rule Inventory page, accessible from the Main Menu by clicking the "hamburger" icon (upper left corner of the screen). Once on the Rule Inventory page:
  1. Select a Facility and a Unit from the two dropdown boxes, respectively.
  2. Click View (right side of the rule).
    Note: This will then display a list of all rules for that Unit. Clicking View (on the right side of the rule) will display the risk score configuration for the rule in a new page.

Also, from within the Rule Score Configuration page, the response (notification) configuration and risk context configuration (as applicable) can be viewed by selecting the corresponding tabs.

View assigned entities

The assigned entities for a rule can be viewed, as follows:
  1. Click Assign Rule on the Rule Configuration tab.
    Note: A control will be displayed with checkboxes corresponding to all entities within the tenant hierarchy to which the rule is assigned.
If the Rule Inventory or Rule Configuration pages do not populate with content, try performing the following steps:
  1. Close the browser window.
  2. Navigate back to the Enterprise Configuration Portal.
  3. Select that same level of hierarchy again.

If you are unable to view rules, assigned entities, or other content in the Rules Manager after following these steps, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Change (or update) a rule configurations
Note: Customer access to the Rules Manager is view-only; customers do not have the ability to directly configure rules, risk scores, risk context, clinical tasks, risk-based notifications, or to perform any other functions within the Rules Manager while logged in with a customer account.

To make a change in any rule configuration, rule assignment, or other rule-related setting in the Rules Manager, please contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.

Additional troubleshooting can be found in the Gateway Internal Troubleshooting Guide.




Choose a topic from the list of subjects below.

I am having trouble with:


Data from the hospital's ADT system is not being processed by the system.

Data is not being properly processed by the system.

Notifications are not being transmitted to Voalte mobile devices.

Bed/integrated contact-free continuous monitoring device

Incorrect display of data on supported clinical interfaces because another person has gotten into a patient's bed.

Incorrect display of data on supported clinical interfaces because the previous patient is still assigned to the bed.

No display of data on supported clinical interfaces because another person has gotten into bed with the patient.

No display of data on supported clinical interfaces due to a late ADT admission.



Alert fatigue.


Incorrect/incomplete mapping of clinical data elements to codes (value sets) has occurred.

Patient data

Is associated to the wrong tenant.

Is corrupted.

From vitals monitors is not properly being processed by the system.

Measurement units of incoming data result in erroneous risk score, risk stratification, risk factor, risk context, risk-based notification, and/or clinical task transmission to clinical interfaces.

Miscalculation of incoming data causes erroneous risk monitoring, clinical decision support, and data transmission to clinical interfaces.

Risk-based notification(s)

Incorrect notification was generated because another person has gotten into the bed.

Incorrect notification was generated because the previous patient is still assigned to the bed.

Not created or processed correctly.

Not generated because another person has gotten into bed with the patient.

Not generated because of a late ADT admission.

Not generated because the previous patient is still assigned to the bed.

Not sent to alert the communication manager.

Risk monitoring

Does not respond to resume command, which prevents system notifications.

Status Board

Unable to display patient/bed data.

System failure due to

Configuration change during system operation.

Incompatible software versions.

Loss of power.

Network outage.

Software update.

Voalte Mobile

Unable to display patient/bed data.


Patient data from vitals monitors is not properly being processed by the system.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Failed communication will generate a visual indication on CSM/CVSM, indicating that data was not successfully transferred and providing suggested troubleshooting actions.
  • Patient vitals and risk scores may still be available if manually charted in EMR.
  • Caregivers will still be able to assess a patient's condition based on other EMR data, and respond per the facility's protocol.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Data from the hospital's ADT system that is not being processed by the system.

Suggested workarounds:

  • CSM/CVSM will indicate failed patient queries and provide suggested troubleshooting actions.
  • Status Board will indicate if an ADT admit/discharge for a patient wasn't received.
  • Voalte mobile will indicate if an ADT admit/discharge for a patient wasn't received.
  • Alternative interfaces and the charge nurse may be available for tracking admits, discharges, and transfers.
  • Caregivers will still be able to assess a patient's condition based on vital signs and EMR data, and respond per the facility's protocol.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


A system fault due to loss of power.

Suggested workarounds:

  • CSM/CVSM will indicate loss of network connectivity and provide suggested troubleshooting actions.
  • Status Board will indicate a power outage via lack of data displayed for a patient and/or bed.
  • Voalte mobile will indicate a power outage via lack of data displayed for a patient and/or bed.
  • Hospitals should use backup generators to restore power in the event of an outage.

Action: FIRST, restore power. Then, if the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Corrupted Patient data.

Suggested workarounds:

  • CSM/CVSM will indicate when data transmission to EMR fails and provide suggested troubleshooting actions.
  • Caregivers will still be able to assess a patient's condition based on vital signs and EMR data, and respond per the facility's protocol.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Association of patient data to the wrong tenant.

Suggested workarounds:

  • The system deployment is certified prior to clinical use.
  • Only patient data from vital signs monitor will be impacted; notifications based on orders/lab values/meds will not be affected.
  • Erroneous data may be detected by comparing displayed data on vitals monitor to data in hospital ADT and EMR systems.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


System failure due to software update.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Single, clustered servers will be taken offline for software updates without affecting other servers.
  • The system deployment is certified prior to clinical use.
  • System may be rolled back to a prior software release in the event of a system failure.
  • Software updates are validated at the system level prior to deployment.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


System failure due to network outage.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Status Board will indicate a network outage via lack of data displayed for a patient and/or bed.
  • Voalte mobile will indicate a network outage via lack of data displayed for a patient and/or bed.
  • CSM/CVSM will indicate loss of network connectivity and provide suggested troubleshooting actions.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


System failure due to configuration change during system operation.

Suggested workaround:

  • The system deployment is re-certified after configuration changes.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


System failure due to incompatible software versions.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Software updates are validated at the system level prior to deployment.
  • Failed communication will generate a visual indication on CSM/CVSM, indicating that data was not successfully transferred.
  • Status Board will indicate failed communication via lack of data displayed for a patient and/or bed.
  • Voalte mobile will indicate failed communication via lack of data displayed for a patient and/or bed.
  • System may be rolled back to a prior software release in the event of a system failure.
  • Patient vitals and risk scores will still be available if manually charted in EMR.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


ADT/EMR data is not being properly processed by the system.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Caregivers will still be able to assess a patient's condition based on vital signs data and respond per facility protocol.
  • Caregivers will still have access to ADT to view patient admissions/discharges/transfers, and EMR to view charted data.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


ADT/EMR-based notifications not being transmitted to Voalte mobile devices.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Caregivers will still be able to assess a patient's condition based on vital signs data and respond per facility protocol.
  • Caregivers will still have access to ADT to view patient admissions/discharges/transfers, and EMR to view charted data.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Bed/integrated contact-free continuous monitoring because it is unavailable.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Status Board and Voalte mobile will visually indicate when bed/integrated contact-free continuous monitoring data is unavailable.
  • Patient weight, vitals, and bed status will still be available if manually charted in the EMR.
  • Caregivers may still assess a patient's condition based on vital signs and EMR data, and respond per facility protocol.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Incorrect/incomplete mapping of clinical data elements to codes (value sets) has occurred.

Suggested workarounds:

  • The system is not intended to diagnose patients or replace clinical judgment.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Status Board is unable to display patient/bed data.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Status Board will visually indicate when data is not available.
  • Patient vitals/risk score data will still be displayed on supported vital signs monitors, the EMR, and other supported clinical interfaces, such as Voalte mobile.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Voalte mobile is unable to display patient/bed data.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Voalte mobile will visually indicate when data is not available.
  • Patient vitals/risk score data will still be displayed on supported vital signs monitors, the EMR, and other supported clinical interfaces, such as Status Board.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Notifications were not sent to alert the communication manager.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Vital signs, risk scores, risk stratifications, and risk context will still be viewable on supported clinical interfaces.
  • Caregivers will still be able to assess a patient's condition based on vital signs/risk score data, and respond per facility protocol.
  • Caregivers will still have access to the EMR to view charted data.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Caregiver alert fatigue.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Vitals alert thresholds may be configured per patient to minimize false alerts.
  • CSM/CVSM vitals alerts may be filtered and/or delayed, as necessary.
  • Escalation procedures configured in alert communication manager will ensure ignored notifications are sent to multiple back-up caregivers.
  • Alert manager settings can be configured to minimize vitals alert fatigue, as desired.

Action: Contact assigned Clinical Specialist for assistance in configuring risk-based notification settings, as necessary.


Notification not created or processed correctly.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Caregivers will still be able to assess a patient's condition based on bed, vital signs, and EMR data, and respond per facility protocol.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Risk monitoring does not respond to resume command, which prevents system notifications.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Caregivers will still be able to assess a patient's condition based on bed, vital signs, and EMR data, and respond per facility protocol.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


Miscalculation of incoming data causes erroneous risk monitoring, clinical decision support, and data transmission to clinical interfaces.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Erroneous data may be detected by comparing displayed data on connected clinical interfaces with data on supported vital signs monitors (e.g., vital signs, risk scores), beds (e.g., patient weight, vitals, and bed safety status), and in the EMR.

Action: If the problem persists, contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.


No display of bed/integrated contact-free continuous monitoring data on supported clinical interfaces due to a late ADT admission.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Late ADT admission is indicated on Status Board as a row without any patient identifier in the default "Patient" column, but with the patient icon colored green in the default "Rails" column of the Bed Status indicators.
  • Late ADT admission is indicated on Voalte mobile as a patient not being available to a given room, and no patient data being available.
  • Proper nursing practice includes assessment and charting of patient vitals upon placing a patient in the bed.

Action: Admit patient via ADT system.


Incorrect display of bed/integrated contact-free continuous monitoring device data on supported clinical interfaces because the previous patient is still assigned to the bed.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Status Board will display the previous patient assigned to the bed in that room.
  • Voalte mobile will display the previous patient assigned to the bed in that room.
  • Proper nursing practice includes assessment and charting of patient vitals upon placing a patient in the bed.
  • Incorrect data display for a patient should prompt caregiver to contact appropriate hospital personnel to rectify the admit record.

Action: Correct patient admit record via ADT system.


Incorrect display of bed/integrated contact-free continuous monitoring data on supported clinical interfaces because another person has gotten into a patient's bed.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Bed exit alarm will trigger, when set, due to a patient bed exit or sufficient weight change.
  • The bed displays a message that only the patient should be placed in the bed, after a patient reset is performed on the bed.

Action: Remove other person from bed and ensure patient is returned to bed.


No display of bed/integrated contact-free continuous monitoring device data on supported clinical interfaces because another person has gotten into bed with the patient.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Bed exit alarm will trigger, when set, due to a sufficient weight change.
  • The bed displays a message that only the patient should be placed in the bed, after a patient reset is performed on the bed.
  • EarlySense will generate an "Unstable Signal" alert if EarlySense vitals cannot be measured/interpreted.

Action: Remove other person from bed.


No risk-based notification was generated because of a late ADT admission.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Late ADT admission is indicated on Status Board as a row without any patient identifier in the default "Patient" column, but with the patient icon colored green in the default "Rails" column of the Bed Status indicators.
  • Late ADT admission is indicated on Voalte mobile as a patient not being available to a given room, and no patient data being available.
  • Proper nursing practice includes assessment and charting of patient vitals upon placing a patient in the bed.

Action: Admit patient via ADT system.


No risk-based notification was generated because the previous patient is still assigned to the bed.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Status Board will display the previous patient assigned to the bed in that room.
  • Voalte mobile will display the previous patient assigned to the bed in that room.
  • Proper nursing practice includes assessment and charting of patient vitals upon placing a patient in the bed.

Action: Correct patient admit record via ADT system.


Incorrect risk-based notification that was generated because the previous patient is still assigned to the bed.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Status Board will display the previous patient assigned to the bed in that room.
  • Voalte mobile will display the previous patient assigned to the bed in that room.
  • Proper nursing practice includes assessment and charting of patient vitals upon placing a patient in the bed.
  • Incorrect notifications for a patient should prompt caregiver to contact appropriate hospital personnel to rectify the admit record.

Action: Correct patient admit record via ADT system.


Incorrect risk-based notification that was generated because another person has gotten into the bed.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Bed exit alarm will trigger, when set, due to a patient bed exit or sufficient weight change.
  • The bed displays a message that only the patient should be placed in the bed, after a patient reset is performed on the bed.

Action: Remove other person from bed and ensure patient is returned to bed.


No risk-based notification was generated because another person has gotten into bed with the patient.

Suggested workarounds:

  • Bed exit alarm will trigger, when set, due to a patient bed exit or sufficient weight change.
  • The bed displays a message that only the patient should be placed in the bed, after a patient reset is performed on the bed.
  • EarlySense will generate an "Unstable Signal" alert if EarlySense vitals cannot be measured/interpreted.

Action: Remove the other person from the bed.


Measurement units of incoming data result in erroneous risk score, risk stratification, risk factor, risk context, risk-based notification, and/or clinical task transmission to clinical interfaces.

Suggested workarounds:

  • The system is not intended to diagnose patients or replace clinical judgment.

Action: Contact Hillrom Technical Support at 1-800-445-3720.