Using Symedical Waypoint

Intended Use

Symedical Waypoint provides a secure method for providing review and feedback of Symedical mappings based on an authenticated user's role. Clinical content reviewers will have limited access to create, change, or delete maps. However, Map Viewers will have the access required to ensure clinical content accuracy.

Glossary of Terms

  1. Flag Set: A flag set is a group of symbols used to prioritize and identify catalog, map, and content model terms for clinical attention in the workflow.
    Tip: Content Flag Set for a Clinical Approval workflow:
    • Red - Review (Immediate)
    • Yellow - Review (1-2 days)
    • Blue - Review (1-5 days)
    • Green - Verify

    In terms of Symedical Waypoint, a map defines a cross-reference relationship that converts a set of terms from a source catalog to equivalent terms in a target catalog.

  2. Source Term: A source term is the description (or display) of an original source code.
  3. Source Code: A source code is the primary key (or identifier) for a term in a catalog, which is usually the medical code (for purposes of this project).
  4. Target Term: A target term is the description (or display) that the source term and code are mapped to, via the Symedical application.
  5. Target Code: A target code is the primary key (or identifier) for the target term in a catalog, which is usually the medical code (for purposes of this project).

    In Symedical, a Term is the lowest level data point used. Each Term contains a unique identifier (or description) consisting of a group of characters that represents a concept in a terminology. In a catalog, this is a member of the catalog that has a unique identifier and is rolled up into maps.

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Map Review and Approval