Clinical Content Review Process

Hillrom Smart Device Connectivity and Patient Risk Surveillance utilize terminology services for the management of clinical terminology, medical codes, and associated attributes associated. All clinical terms are rolled up into Elements, which are clinical concepts that the system utilizes to trigger logic.

Note: An element is a group of terms that all equate to the same clinical concept. For example, cancer as an “Element” and melanoma, leukemia, sarcoma, and so forth, as the group of terms that would roll up to the broader clinical concept.
The following two sections of clinical content must be reviewed internally by Hillrom clinicians:
  1. A one-time review must be performed prior to release of all elements that are created in the Hillrom Patient Risk Surveillance Element Set, which is maintained in Element Set Manager. In this Element set, there is a list of elements.
    1. All clinical content—including Element Set creation, Element roll up, and mappings—should be authored and created by a licensed clinician who is familiar with medical terminology and coding standards related to the content for release.
    2. Once content creation has been completed, it must be reviewed by a separate, non-authoring clinical team. The clinical team will review the Element Set for the following criteria:
      • Accuracy of Element definition: Do the terms rolled up into this Element make sense (i.e., are they the correct terms)?
      • Completion of Element definition: Is the Element inclusive of all content in that specific category (i.e., is there any content that is missing)?
  2. Clinical terminology mapping must be reviewed by a clinical team prior to release, as well as on an ongoing basis. Clinical terminology mapping can be found in the terminology services' Map Manager.

    Terminology services' APIs have been configured so that they will automap new terminology coming into the system if the system is able to understand the code and display. However, if the system cannot automap the new terminology, a notification is generated and sent to the clinical team. The clinical team will then use the WayPoint website to review and approve the unmapped clinical terminology.

    Mappings will be displayed in groups per tenant; therefore, there may be multiple maps that the clinicians will need to review for a given Domain Catalog. A clinical analyst must be in place on a regular review basis once a client goes live. The clinical analyst will review maps for local terminology that the system is not able to automatically map to a standard (or defined) local term. WayPoint will allow a clinician to search for—and select—the appropriate clinical terminology for manually mapping a term.

    Once the manual map is completed, a non-authoring clinician must be assigned to review the content. Once reviewed and approved, the map will be marked “Production Ready,” and can be published and distributed for use in the appropriate environment.
    Note: Please see instructions in Help Center for the following topics: Creating an Element Set, Creating an Element within an Element Set, Uploading Terms/Codes to Source Catalogs in Symedical, Mapping Terms, Publishing and Distributing Content, and User Management.