About Dashboard

The Dashboard enables caregivers to monitor a facility’s patients within each configured nursing unit.

The Dashboard loads the default view when rendered for the first time. It can be configured to display a different view, according to user preferences. The default view cannot be edited.

Authorized Dashboard users have the ability to:

  • Configure the facility that the Dashboard is servicing.
  • Configure the nursing units within the facility that will be displayed on the Dashboard.
  • Configure the columns that will be displayed, as well as the names of the columns.
  • Configure the options for scrolling, row count, and paging.
  • Configure patient name masking.
  • Remove data after an elapsed time period.
  • Change the column size and order.
  • Save the configuration as a view (the Dashboard supports multiple saved views).
  • Utilize the same view across several dashboards within the facility.
  • Edit, delete, and rename views.

The Dashboard display shows each room location with an associated wired or wireless bed, along with the following information:

  • The patient name (with masking options applied).
  • Patient-related data received, such as heart rate and respiratory rate.
  • Bed status data, such as rails up/down, patient detect, and so forth.
  • Risk scores and stratifications.
  • Contact-free continuous monitoring data and vitals alert status.

Dashboard users can access the dashboard for a period up to 90 days. Dashboard configuration users have one hour from login or last usage of configuration authorization access to make updates, after which they reverted to read-only mode and will be required to re-login to perform additional configuration changes.

Dashboard access is configured in the User Roles section of the Enterprise Configuration Portal. Users can be provided the following access rights:

  • Read-only users can access, view, and configure only the local browser Dashboard view.
  • Configuration Admin users can access, view, and configure local and global Dashboard views. Global Dashboard views can be seen by every Dashboard within the Facility.
  • Administrators can access, view, and configure the Dashboard for the local browser view and can also globally publish their edited views to Dashboard instances within the same facility, displaying the same view.

The following elements and controls comprise the Dashboard:

  • The main page, which displays a list of patient rooms with the associated patient, call, staff, and bed information, dynamically displayed in a grid.
  • A message area in the header that displays code and emergency calls, depending on your settings.
  • The Current View list (displayed by clicking
  • The Settings menu (displayed by clicking ), which enables you to change the visible columns, messages, and other settings.

    You can view more information about the Dashboard, such as the current version, information for technical support, and global privacy notice, by clicking and selecting About Dashboard.