Entity Selection

An Entity is the Digital Health Platform representation of a physical location or a logical grouping of physical locations within a user's organizational infrastructure.

The following Entity Levels can be established within the Digital Health Platform:

The top-level entity that represents a user's organizational infrastructure.
Entities that represent regional delineations within an Enterprise.
Entities that represent organizational delineations within a Region.
Entities that represent physical locations in which patients receive care within an Organization.
Entities that represent a physical location in which patients receive targeted care within a Facility.

To execute tasks and perform workflows associated with a given entity, you must first bring an entity into context by selecting the entity that you want to interact with. The Enterprise Configuration Portal offers a navigational menu that enables you to select an entity to bring into context.

Enterprise Selection

If you have access to more than one Enterprise, you must first select the Enterprise that you want to bring into context to interact with. If you only have access to a single Enterprise, that Enterprise will be in context automatically.

Region Selection

Once you bring an Enterprise into context, a list of Regions associated with that Enterprise are displayed within the navigational menu. Only Regions that you have access to are displayed. You can select the Region that you want to bring into context to interact with.

Organization Selection

Once you bring a Region into context, a list of Organizations associated with that Region is displayed within the navigational menu. Only Organizations that you have access to are displayed. You can select the Organization that you want to bring into context to interact with.

Facility Selection

Once you bring an Organization into context, a list of Facilities associated with that Organization is displayed within the navigational menu. Only Facilities that you have access to are displayed. You can then select a Facility to bring into context and interact with.

Unit Selection

After you bring a Facility into context, a list of Units associated with that Facility is displayed within the navigational menu. Only Units that you have access to are displayed. You can then select a Unit to bring into context and interact with.

Breadcrumb Navigation

As you navigate through entity selection, a breadcrumb menu is displayed. This menu enables you to navigate to a selected entity's parent entities. Clicking on an entity link within the breadcrumb menu brings that entity into context.