Steps to Complete Onboarding

The steps necessary to complete the onboarding of a customer are documented below. Some of these sections are covered in more detail in subsequent pages.

  1. To enable secure communications between a customer’s network and Hillrom Enterprise Gateway (EG), you must either configure a Virtual Private Network (VPN) (which requires direct collaboration between both customer and Hillrom network representatives) or you can use TLS certificates.
  2. Customer to provide Hillrom with the following information:
    • Endpoint host names and IP addresses for the following:
      • EMR Source
      • Voalte server(s)
      • Welch Allyn server(s)
    • VPN Tunnel Parameters: IKE/ISAKMP
      • VPN Tunnel Encryption Method
      • VPN Tunnel Hash Algorithm
      • VPN Tunnel Diffie-Hellman Group
      • VPN Tunnel Lifetime
    • VPN Tunnel Parameters: IPSEC
      • Peer IP Address
      • ESP Tunnel Mode
      • ESP Encryption
      • ESP Authentication
      • SA Lifetime (Time)
      • SA Lifetime (Traffic)
    Hillrom will provide the customer with the following information:
    • Hillrom Gateway Network IP address
    • Hillrom Gateway Network Subnet
  3. Define the Clinical Mapping required for the customer's EMR.
    Note: Clinical Terminology Mapping facilitates interoperability by allowing customers to specify preferred terminology standards for data transactions. In turn, this allows Hillrom to send and receive data in our customer's native format for seamless consumption and processing by the EMR.
    1. Work with the customer to define the type of clinical code mappings, such as LOINC, MDC, SNOMED.
    2. Create the mappings in the terminology provider.
  4. Define the customer's hierarchy structure at each level (as listed below)—including the time zone, address, and admin contact information for each level.
    1. Enterprise
    2. Region
    3. Organization
    4. Facility
    5. Unit
      Note: You cannot configure a separate time zone for Units. Units will automatically use the same time zone as the parent Facility.
  5. Perform Unit Location Mapping - Performing unit location mapping provides a bridge between the customer's ADT/EMR locations and the Smart Device Connectivity location.
  6. Inbound Connections - Gather the required information for the connection being configured. Connection configurations require a combination of the following types of information:
    • Connection type (for example, inbound/outbound)
    • Communication type (for example, HL7)
    • Security method (for example, VPN)
    • URL
    • Username
    • Password
    • Port number (Range 10000 - 65535)
    • Define inbound connections, protocols, ports:
      1. ADT/EMR - Set up an ADT/EMR connection type, such as HL7.
      2. EMR (Non-ADT) - Set up an EMR connection type, such as HL7.
      3. Hillrom Bed Device - Only required if connecting bed devices via MQTT. Hillrom bed devices include beds and ISE mattresses.
      4. IHE Alarms - supports only one.
      5. Welch Allyn Vitals Devices - Set up as many as are needed to support the IP addresses from which vitals devices will be sending data.
  7. Outbound Connections - Gather the required information for the connection being configured. Connection configurations require a combination of the following types of information:
    • Connection type (for example, inbound/outbound)
    • Communication type (for example, HL7)
    • Security method (for example, VPN)
    • Hostnames/IP addresses for connections
    • URL
    • Username
    • Password
    • Port number (Range 1000 - 65535)
    • Vitals data outbound
      • Unit of measure for temperature, height, weight
      • Standardized code mapping
    • Data retention period
    • ADT/EMR data path - confirmed or unconfirmed
    • Define outbound connections, protocols, ports, as follows:
      1. ADT
      2. CDR - For storing data in the Clinical Data Repository (CDR); required for all
      3. Confirmed Data
      4. IHE Alarms - For sending alerts to an interface
      5. On-Call Scheduler (Lightning Bolt) - For sending scheduling, assignment, and personnel information
      6. On-Call Scheduler (QGenda) - For sending scheduling, assignment, and personnel information
      7. Patient Risk Surveillance (optional) - For sending vitals to the Patient Risk Surveillance product for patient scoring
      8. Reporting
      9. Terminology Provider
      10. Unconfirmed Data
      11. Voalte - For sending ADT to Voalte
  8. Create Credentials - Required only for a device connection when an inbound connection type of Hillrom Bed Device is set up. The credentials provide the means necessary to authenticate connecting bed devices. Credentials must be assigned to the correct Facility and provided to the Facility to configure the devices, such as the BMS proxy on-premises.
  9. Define Customer Roles - Gather the customers Active Directory (AD) domain and authentication type information in order to map the roles in the AD to Smart Device Connectivity supported roles.
  10. Configure NaviCare BMS proxy to communicate with Smart Device Connectivity - The technicians will use the hierarchy Facility ID and credentials created for the Facility to configure the BMS proxy. This information can be gathered from the ECP.
  11. Configure Rabbit MQ federation between the NaviCare on-premises Rabbit MQ broker and the Smart Device Connectivity Rabbit MQ broker - The federation is handled through a set of scripts that Voalte must execute to federate to Smart Device Connectivity in order to receive messages from the Rabbit MQ bus
  12. Validation - Perform the validation of data to and from the customer's ADT/EMR and connected devices. Ensure that data is sent to the configured outbound interfaces. All validations are based on the configured inbound/outbound interfaces and can vary between customers.
    Note: Voalte validation versions 3.7.10 over Rabbit.

    Configuration paths to test include, but are not limited to the following:

    • ADT Events - ADT events can include, but are not limited to, Admitting, Transfers, Moves, and Discharges.
      • ADT received and sent to NaviCare
      • ADT received and sent to Voalte
    • EMR Data - EMR data can include, but is not limited to, heart rate, respiratory rate, and custom data.
      • EMR charted vitals and custom data:
        • Received and sent to Voalte® Status Board.
        • Received and sent to Voalte
    • CSM/CVSM - Vitals data can include, but is not limited to, heart rate, respiratory rate, and custom data.
      • Patient Query - Results provided to the vitals monitor from the Enterprise Gateway.
      • Vitals monitor data
        • Sent to the customer's EMR (confirmed)
        • Sent to the customer's EMR (unconfirmed)
        • Sent to the Voalte® Status Board
        • Sent to Patient Risk Surveillance
      • Vitals monitor alerts - Received and stored in CDR only; nothing is sent outbound.
    • Contact-free Monitoring (for example, EarlySense integrated with Centrella bed) - Vitals data can include, but is not limited to, heart rate, respiratory rate, and alerts (high heart rate, low respiratory rate, and so forth).
      • Vitals data (HR/RR)
        • Sent to Voalte
        • Sent to Voalte® Status Board
      • Vitals alerts - Received and stored in CDR only; nothing is sent outbound.
    • Patient Risk Surveillance - Risk scores and risk-based notifications can include, but are not limited to, medium/high MEWS and high SIRS.
      • Risk scores
        • Sent to Voalte® Status Board
        • Sent to Voalte
    • Risk-based notifications
      • Sent as an alert to Voalte® Status Board
    • Bed data (for example, Centrella wired bed) - Bed data can include, but is not limited to: Brakes on, rails status, and HOB angle.
      • Centrella bed data is received into the Bed Device Gateway.
      • Note: No validation is required for the Smart Device Connectivity 1.2.400 release.