Quick Guide to Icon Information

Icon Description Function
Information Hover to view tool tip for the related object.
Go Back Navigates backward to the previous view.
Home Navigates to the Home page.
Expand/Collapse Expands or collapses the Entity Selection menu.
Application Navigation Click to display a menu that enables navigation to other Digital Health Platform applications.
Edit Click to edit the object to which the icon is associated.
Manage Connections Click to manage the connections for a given entity.
Role Mapping Click to manage the roles for a given entity.
Manage Rules

Click to open Manage Rules for Patient Risk Surveillance.

Note:Must have a Clinical Decision Support (CDS) outbound Connection setup to display.

CDS is used for Patient Risk Surveillance Integration.

WA Vitals Device Deployment Configured

Indicates that a Welch Allyn (WA) Vitals Device inbound deployment has been configured at a CHILD level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a WA Vitals Device inbound deployment configured to display.

Hillrom Bed Device Deployment Configured

Indicates that a Hillrom Bed Device inbound deployment has been configured at a CHILD level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a Hillrom Bed Device inbound deployment configured to display.

CDS Deployment Configured

Indicates that a CDS outbound deployment has been configured at a CHILD level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a CDS outbound deployment configured to display.

ADT Outbound Deployment Configured

Indicates that an ADT outbound deployment has been configured at a CHILD level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have an ADT outbound deployment configured to display.

EMR/ADT Deployment Configured

Indicates that an EMR/ADT inbound deployment has been configured at a CHILD level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have an EMR/ADT inbound deployment configured to display.

Terminology Provider Deployment Configured

Indicates that a Terminology Provider outbound deployment has been configured at a CHILD level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a Terminology Provider outbound deployment configured to display.

Alarm Deployment Configured

Indicates that an Alarm outbound deployment has been configured at a CHILD level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have an Alarm outbound deployment configured to display.

CDR Deployment Configured

Indicates that a CDR outbound deployment has been configured at a CHILD level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a CDR outbound deployment configured to display.

Voalte Deployment Configured

Indicates that a Voalte outbound deployment has been configured at a CHILD level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a Voalte outbound deployment configured to display.

Unconfirmed Data Deployment Configured

Indicates that an Unconfirmed Data outbound deployment has been configured at a CHILD level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a CDR outbound deployment and a WA Vitals Device inbound deployment and/or Hillrom Bed Device inbound deployment configured to display.

Selected Object Indicates a check box was selected, such as in the role manager group entity mapping.
Download Indicates the content can be downloaded.
Upload Indicates the content can be uploaded.
Export Typically associated with data that can be downloaded or exported from the Digital Health Platform.
Status icon - Filtered

Transaction message was filtered from processing. This can occur when a transaction has been filtered.

Filtered messages occur from the Source Transformer and are the children messages that are NOT required to fulfill the parent transaction, such as a care team not being identified in an ADT transaction.

Save Saves information entered for a unit location mapping.
Refresh Refresh the transaction page
Clear selection Clear selection from a drop-down list.
Show Show hidden text, such as a credential secret (aka password)
Hide Hide selected text, such as a credential secret (aka password)
Admit, Discharge, Transfer (ADT) Outbound Deployment Configured

Indicates that an ADT outbound deployment has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have an ADT outbound deployment configured to display.

Alarm Deployment Configured

Indicates that an Alarm outbound deployment has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have an Alarm outbound deployment configured to display.

Patient Risk Surveillance Integration (CDR) Deployment Configured

Indicates that a CDR outbound deployment has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a CDR outbound deployment configured to display.

Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Deployment Configured

Indicates that a CDS outbound deployment has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a CDS outbound deployment configured to display.

Terminology Provider Deployment Configured

Indicates that a Terminology Provider outbound deployment has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a Terminology Provider outbound deployment configured to display.

Electronic Medical Record (EMR)/ADT Deployment Configured

Indicates that an EMR/ADT inbound deployment has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have an EMR/ADT inbound deployment configured to display.

Hillrom Bed Device Deployment Configured

Indicates that a Hillrom Bed Device inbound deployment has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a Hillrom Bed Device inbound deployment configured to display.

Voalte Deployment Configured

Indicates that a Voalte outbound deployment has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a Voalte outbound deployment configured to display.

Welch Allyn (WA) Vitals Device Deployment Configured

Indicates that a WA Vitals Device inbound deployment has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a WA Vitals Device inbound deployment configured to display.

Unconfirmed Data Deployment Configured

Indicates that an Unconfirmed Data outbound deployment has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a CDR outbound deployment and a WA Vitals Device inbound deployment and/or Hillrom Bed Device inbound deployment configured to display.

Reporting Connection Configured

Indicates that a Reporting connection has been configured at the current level of the hierarchy.

Note: Must have a CDR outbound deployment configured to display.

Status icon – No warning

Multiple meanings:

  1. Connection screen – Indicates the connection inbound / outbound dependencies are satisfied.
  2. Transactions screen - A given transaction has been sent.
Cancel Cancel adding a unit-level mapping.
Delete Click to delete a given object.
Status icon - Error Transaction message failed to process.
Status icon – Warnings

Multiple meanings:

  1. Connection screen – Indicates for the connection there may be a dependency on another connection.
  2. Transactions screen:
    1. Queued - Queued to send, but has not been sent yet.
    2. Received - Received, but has not yet been processed by the system.
Virtual Private Network (VPN) Indicates the connection is configured over a VPN connection.
First page - Enabled Click to navigate to the first page of results
Previous page - Enabled Click to navigate to the previous page of results
Next page - Enabled Click to navigate to the next page of results
Last page - Enabled Click to navigate to the last page of results
First page - Disabled Indicates that paging to the first page is not allowed for the result, likely due to being on the first page
Previous page - Disabled Indicates that paging to previous page is not allowed for the result, likely due to being on the first page
Next page - Disabled Indicates that paging to next page is not allowed for the result, likely due to being on the last page
Last page - Disabled Indicates that paging to last page is not allowed for the result, likely due to being on the last page
Date selector - Previous month Click to move back one month
Current date selector Click to select current date for the calendar
Date selector - Next month Click to move forward one month

Certificate Status Associated with Inbound or Outbound connections where the Security Type is Certificate.
Child Connection Indicates that the connection is a child connection, or one that is being inherited from a parent entity.
Connection Summary Connection summary icon indicator.
Inbound Connection Inbound connection indicator.
Outbound Connection Outbound connection indicator
Parent hierarchy level is not included in the group access Indicates that a parent hierarchy level will not be included in the group entity hierarchy assignment.
Status icon – Unknown Transaction message status is unknown.
Unit Location Mapping Unit location mapping icon indicator.
Transactions Transactions icon indicator
Replay Replay a transaction
Scrolling list Indicates there is a list that can be scrolled
Dropdown list Indicates there is a dropdown list option
Credentials Management Credentials Management indicator