Generating and Printing Reports

Please note that the Smart Device Connectivity Reporting feature is currently only available to customers in the US.

  1. First, log into the Digital Health Portal.
  2. Click the Reporting application tile.
  3. Next, select the Enterprise, Region, Organization, Facility, and/or Unit for which you want to view reports, and then click Launch.
  4. In the drop-down list on the left, select a report to view.

    Only reports that you have permissions to view are displayed in this list. The names of the reports that are displayed are defined in your Enterprise's software requirements.

  5. Select the applicable report parameters in the Parameters section of the page, if applicable, and then click View Report.

    The report is displayed according to the parameters you select.

  6. Optional: You can take several actions once you generate a report.
    • To print a report click File > Print.
    • To change the view or page settings for the report that is currently displayed, click View.
    • To export the report to a different format or program, click Export and choose one of the options from the list.