Sepsis Onset Time Criteria
The Reporting system uses the following criteria to define a time, referred to as Sepsis Onset Time (Time Zero), that shall denote when a patient is suspected of having become Septic. This supports the Sepsis Bundle Compliance report.
Sepsis Time Zero is identified as follows:
- Sepsis Diagnosed Condition onset date, if present
- If the Sepsis Diagnosed Condition onset date is not present, the earliest of the
following dates is used:
- Sepsis Diagnosed Condition first appearance of system last modified date
- The latest date among the Sepsis Criteria that identified the
- Suspicion of Infection indicated by any of the following:
- A Suspicion of infection Diagnosed Condition (onset date when present, otherwise first appearance of system last modified date)
- A Suspicion of infection Observation (effective start date when present, otherwise issued date)
- Medication Request administered for an infection (authored date when present, otherwise system last modified date)
- Medication Administration for an infection (effective start date when present, otherwise system last modified date)
- Observation effective date (or issued date if effective date is not present) of the last Observation that identified Severe Sepsis presence
- Suspicion of Infection indicated by any of the following:
Context Sepsis Time Zero will be used in determining the time frame for both Sepsis and Severe Sepsis bundle compliance.
Sepsis Criteria, identified as follows:
- Sepsis Condition Diagnosed
- OR, all of the below documented within 6 hours of each other.
- Suspicion of Infection indicated by any of the following:
- A Suspicion of infection Diagnosed Condition (onset date when present, otherwise first appearance of system last modified date)
- A Suspicion of infection Observation (effective start date when present, otherwise issued date)
- Medication Request administered for an infection (authored date when present, otherwise system last modified date)
- Medication Administration for an infection (effective start date when present, otherwise system last modified date)
- Two SIRS criteria met within three hours of each other, where the later
date falls within the 6 hour time period for identification (Observation
effective date, or issued date if effective date is not present):
- Temperature > 38 or < 36 degrees Celsius
- Heart rate > 90 beats per minute
- Respiratory Rate > 20 breaths per minute or PACO2 < 32 mmHg
- White Blood Cell count > 12,000 or < 4000 mm3 or Bands > 10%
- Organ dysfunction evidenced by any one of the following Observations
(observation effective date, or issued date if effective date is not
- Systolic blood pressure < 90 mmHg
- NIBP_MAP < 65 mmHg
- Creatinine > 2.0 mg/dL
- Total bilirubin > 2mg/dL
- Platelet count < 100,000 mm3
- INR > 1.5
- PTT > 60 seconds
- Lactate > 2.0 mmol/L
- Suspicion of Infection indicated by any of the following:
Medication Requested or Administered for an infection could include, but is not limited to, broad-spectrum antibiotic or crystalloid fluid.
Note: The values above can be nested values within an observation such as a blood
pressure panel containing a systolic or diastolic pressure, or an acid panel
containing a lactate reading.