Dashboard Display

The following options are available on the Dashboard Display tab, on the Configuration Settings page.

Text Size
Choose the text size for the main grid. Available options are Regular, Large, and Extra Large.
Page Display
Select the Scrolling list option to add a scrollbar to the right side of the Dashboard when there are too many rooms to display on the page at once.

The Auto-rotate every option automatically switches between "pages" of the Dashboard locations when you have more locations selected than can be displayed on a single page. This option should only be used when you have no more than three pages of locations.

After you select Auto-rotate every, enter a number for seconds and showing location(s). For example: Auto-rotate every 5 seconds showing 16 location(s).

Attention: When you select the Auto-rotate every option, a warning message is displayed. This message states, When using auto-rotate, validate the correct number of rooms is visible on each display monitor where the view is shown to avoid hidden rooms. In other words, when you select Auto-rotate every, it is recommended that you return to the Dashboard and verify that all rooms within the selected unit are displayed for each workstation that displays this Dashboard view. Configuration of a view on a workstation with a resolution that differs from other workstations with the same Dashboard view can result in different display experiences (that is, all available locations failing to be displayed).

Additionally, the dashboard will display a visual indication when one or more rooms are not visible without user interaction.

Patient Name Display
Select the type of patient name display format to use. Users should be sure to follow their hospital's policies regarding where and how to show patient names and other information.