Dashboard Dynamic Columns

Dynamic columns consist of patient vitals and risk score data. Vitals data may be provided by supported vitals devices or the EMR. Risk scores may be provided by the EMR or calculated within the Digital Health Platform by the Patient Risk Surveillance product.

Users can configure dynamic columns by clicking and selecting Dynamic Column Configuration. The user can then select the radio button next to the column they want to configure and click Edit to open the Edit Dynamic Column page. This page contains the following fields:

Column Name
The column heading as it is displayed on Dashboard.
Describes the data element displayed within the Dynamic Column Configuration.
CDR Description
The Clinical Data Repository code and description. CDR Description options include, but are not limited to:
  • Heart Rate
  • Respiratory Rate
  • Temp
  • SpO2
  • Blood Pressure
  • Pain Score
  • Weight
  • MEWS score
  • SIRS score
Data Source URL
The API endpoint that provides the dynamic column data. The information entered for Data Source URL should not contain a suffix (for example, .com or .net), or a www. prefix. However, it should contain a protocol string, such as http:// or https://.
Value Map Math
The JSON path that contains the value of each element.
Interpretation Map Path
The JSON path that contains the risk stratification/status of each data element, when it is defined.
Visible to Dashboard users
Determines whether the column is visible to Dashboard users.
Data Type
The data type for the dynamic column. The Data Type can be one of the following:
  • Data Field: Displays a raw value, if applicable.
  • Early Warning Score: Displays a value with a background color for the associated risk stratification, or without a background color if the risk stratification is low or unavailable.
  • Score with Total: Displays a numerical value, including a denominator provided by CDR, with a background color for the associated risk status, or without a background color if the risk status is low or unavailable.
Data Remove After
Determines the length of time after which the data in the dynamic column will be removed. Users can select a minutes interval (for example, 5, 15, 30) or an hours interval (for example, 1, 8, 24).