Device and System Connections

Smart Device Connectivity provides integration between Hillrom devices and software, Hospital Information Systems, and various third-party systems. The connectivity is established through the setup of inbound and outbound connections at any level of the hierarchy. Connections configured at an upper hierarchy level will be inherited downward until a connection of the same type has been configured at a lower hierarchy level.

The creation of inbound and outbound connections allows data to flow from the Hospital Information System (for example, EMR/ADT) into the Gateway, and for supported device data to flow into the Gateway to configured outbound connections.

The Gateway supports secure transmission methods such as Virtual Private Network (VPN), Certificates, Transport Layer Security (TSL), and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) HTTPS endpoints.

Supported Inbound Connection types

  • EMR/ADT systems using Health Level 7 (HL7) and utilizing a VPN or TLS with Certificates connection for receiving patient information.
  • IHE Alarms utilizing a VPN or TLS with certificates connection for receiving alert notifications from third-party alert managers.
  • Welch Allyn Connex Spot Monitor and Connect Vitals Signs Monitor utilizing a VPN or TLS with certificates connection using HL7 for receiving patient vitals and custom data.
  • Wired and wireless Hillrom beds and ISE mattresses to enable transmission of bed data/alerts/events and contact-free continuous monitoring device data/alerts received via the MQTT SSL connection to Smart Device Connectivity and ISE mattresses.

Supported Outbound Connection types

  • ADT – For sending HL7 utilizing a VPN or TLS with Certificates connection to HIT (Health Information Technology) systems.
  • Clinical Data Repository – Receives clinical data inputs. and via configured algorithms, generates risk scores. It outputs calculated risk scores and clinical data to clinical interfaces, and also instantiates notifications to be sent to clinical interfaces.
  • Confirmed Data Interfaces – For Sending data received from patient vital monitoring devices CSM/CVSM in an HL7 format, to the configured endpoint utilizing a VPN or TLS with Certificates connection. Data sent out the confirmed data interface is required to be associated with both a positively identified patient and clinician.
  • IHE Alarms – For sending Clinical Vector risk-based notifications and bed alerts (including Contact-Free Continuous Monitoring devices) as HL7 formatted PCD-04 alerts utilizing a VPN or TLS with Certificates connection. Note: PCD-04 alerts sent to Voalte® Nurse Call are a modified HL7 json-like format and do not use this interface. Alerts sent to Voalte® Nurse Call are over a federated message bus.
  • On-Call Scheduler (Lightning Bolt) – For sending scheduling and assignments for clinicians.
  • On-Call Scheduler (QGenda) – For sending scheduling and assignments for clinicians.
  • Patient Risk Surveillance – For sending patient data for scoring and receiving risk scores, risk stratifications, risk context, notifications, and clinical tasks to be communicated to supported clinical interfaces.
  • Reporting – Provides connectivity between the Gateway and the Reporting data warehouse over an Https TLS connection and configurable permissions options to authorize the extraction of data for reporting and long-term storage of reporting data.
  • Terminology Provider – Provides a tool for terminology mapping of both local and standardized codes, and rolls trigger logic up to internal Hillrom codes via value sets build by a clinical content team.
  • Unconfirmed Data – For sending data received from beds and vitals devices (CSM/CVSM) in an HL7 format to the configured endpoint, where the data being sent does not have both a positively identified patient and clinician.
  • Voalte – Sends ADT/EMR and patient-related data.

Next up:

ADT (Admit/Discharge/Transfer) Integration