Receiving Data from Vitals Devices
Smart Device Connectivity provides support for CSM/CVSM and bed-integrated contact-free continuous monitoring devices.
CSM/CVSM devices
- Provide support for positively identifying a patient, using device barcode scanning of a patient's wrist band and querying the data received from the EMR for patient confirmation. Additional demographics can be returned to the device.
- Support the hospital local Active Directory for role-based authentication on the device
- Receive clinician ID, patient ID, patient vitals data and custom data from supported CSM and CVSM monitoring devices
- Have the ability to accept custom data from vitals devices
- Send vitals and custom data to the following:
- Configured outbound connections, such as Patient Risk Surveillance, Voalte, Smart Device Connectivity Dashboard, and Status Board
Contact-free vitals monitoring via Centrella Smart+ Bed
- Receives HR/RR data from contact-free vitals devices such as EarlySense
- Receives Contact-Free alerts such as High/Low HR and RR
- Sends contact-free vitals data (for example, HR/RR) to configured outbound connections such as Patient Risk Surveillance, Voalte, Smart Device Connectivity Dashboard and Status Board
- Sends contact-free alerts (for example, High/Low HR/RR) to IHE Alert Managers and Voalte® Nurse Call.
- Performs alert reporting activities
Smart Device Connectivity can operate as an alert reporter, sending alerts to IHE-compliant alert managers. Alerts currently supported include vitals and technical alerts from bed-integrated contact-free continuous vitals monitors and Patient Risk Surveillance risk-based notifications. The alerts are received by Smart Device Connectivity and sent to IHE-compatible alert managers as PCD-04 messages.