Receiving Data from Vitals Devices

Smart Device Connectivity provides support for CSM/CVSM and bed-integrated contact-free continuous monitoring devices.

CSM/CVSM devices

  1. Provide support for positively identifying a patient, using device barcode scanning of a patient's wrist band and querying the data received from the EMR for patient confirmation. Additional demographics can be returned to the device.
  2. Support the hospital local Active Directory for role-based authentication on the device
  3. Receive clinician ID, patient ID, patient vitals data and custom data from supported CSM and CVSM monitoring devices
  4. Have the ability to accept custom data from vitals devices
  5. Send vitals and custom data to the following:
    1. EMR
    2. Configured outbound connections, such as Patient Risk Surveillance, Voalte, Smart Device Connectivity Dashboard, and Status Board

Contact-free vitals monitoring via Centrella Smart+ Bed

  1. Receives HR/RR data from contact-free vitals devices such as EarlySense
  2. Receives Contact-Free alerts such as High/Low HR and RR
  3. Sends contact-free vitals data (for example, HR/RR) to configured outbound connections such as Patient Risk Surveillance, Voalte, Smart Device Connectivity Dashboard and Status Board
  4. Sends contact-free alerts (for example, High/Low HR/RR) to IHE Alert Managers and Voalte® Nurse Call.
  5. Performs alert reporting activities

Smart Device Connectivity can operate as an alert reporter, sending alerts to IHE-compliant alert managers. Alerts currently supported include vitals and technical alerts from bed-integrated contact-free continuous vitals monitors and Patient Risk Surveillance risk-based notifications. The alerts are received by Smart Device Connectivity and sent to IHE-compatible alert managers as PCD-04 messages.