EMR (Electronic Medical Record) Integration
Smart Device Connectivity can be configured to receive data from and send data to a hospital HIT (Health Information Technology) system. The data received from the HIT system, such as vitals, labs, medications, or diagnoses, can be provided to configured outbound interfaces including Patient Risk Surveillance, Voalte® Status Board, Voalte, or third-party HL7 interfaces.
Vitals monitoring data received by Smart Device Connectivity can be sent to the EMR. Vitals can be configured to send with a confirmed timestamp or captured timestamp. The use of the confirmed timestamp would allow vitals to be viewed in a single column within the EMR for charting ease.
Standard medical codes and terminology are used by the Smart Device Connectivity when processing received data or preparing data to send to outbound interfaces. Such supported standards include LOINC, SNOMED-CT, MDC, RxNorm, ICD-10, and CPT.