Sepsis Insights Report
Report Details
The Sepsis Insights report displays sepsis severity and outcome trends for patients. This report also includes additional pages where you can view data about pathogens detected in patient blood cultures, antibiotics that were administered, and age and gender demographic information for sepsis patients.

Report Filters
Use the following filters to control the display of data on all pages of the Sepsis Insights report.
- Entity
- Select the entity level for which to view the report data (Enterprise, Region, Organization and/or Facility).
- Time Zero Location
- Select the location where the Time Zero, or time of sepsis presentation, occurred.
- Time Zero
- Select the Time Zero year, quarter, and/or month for which to display the report.
- Severity
- Select the level of sepsis severity to display (either Severe Sepsis or Septic Shock). If a patient had both levels, the higher severity level is displayed.
- Severity
- Select the outcome to display, either Discharge or Death.
- Age Group
- Select the age group for the report.
- Gender
- Select the patient gender for the report.