Standard Reports without PHI

The standard reports that do not include protected health information (PHI) are described in this section.

The Standard Reports without PHI contain aggregate data that is summarized at the year/month level and is intended to provide insights into patterns, trends and outliers observed in the data. The aggregate data model does not contain PHI and for that reason users authorized with the Reporting 'Read' privilege are eligible to view these reports.

The technology chosen for these reports is Power BI Standard/Analytical Reports. This technology is intended to promote a highly interactive reporting experience with a relatively short authoring period. However, this tool is not as "pixel perfect" and customizable as the Power BI Paginated reports used for the standard reports with PHI. When printing and exporting for example, Power BI Standard/Analytical reports provide a "what you see is what you get" result. This means that if there is a scrollbar on a reporting element on the screen, the report will be printed and exported with the scrollbar rather than automatically expanding the element. With this in mind, the reports were designed to avoid the need to auto-grow.

Reports in this category all utilize Power BI import mode, meaning that the reporting data is physically imported into Power BI on a scheduled basis. The data is de-identified and aggregated on import as it is extracted from the rpt and model schema database elements and it is subject to the data retention defined for each customer (for example, 365 days for Patient Risk Surveillance, 90 days otherwise).

Click one of the non-PHI report names below for more information.

Sepsis Insights Report

Sepsis Bundle Compliance Report