MRN Lookup Report

The MRN Lookup report includes a table that lists all patient/room assignments that were active for any part of the specified time period in the specified room. All beds belonging to the specified room are included.

The MRN Lookup report includes the following fields:

  • MRN
  • Patient Name
  • Gender
  • Date of Birth
  • Bed
  • Assignment Start/End

If no data is found, a message displays indicating that no assignments are found for the specified time period.

Report Parameters

Parameter Description
Authorized Facilities Enter a comma separated list of 4-character identifiers representing the Facilities that the currently logged in user should be able to see in this report.
Facility Select the Facility for the report from the drop-down list.
Unit Select the Unit for the report from the drop-down list.
Room Select the Room for the report from the drop-down list.
Assignment Start Click to select an assignment start date from the calendar.
Assignment End Click to select an assignment end date from the calendar.