Contact Free Continuous Monitoring - Alerts Report

The Contact Free Continuous Monitoring - Alerts report displays a summary of the number of alerts by type. Each individual alert, whether a vitals or technical alert, is time stamped and displayed with the device manufacturer, model, and serial number.

Report Parameters

Parameter Description
Entity Type Use to select the Entity type for the report. For example, Enterprise or Facility.
Entity Select the entity on which to run the report. Only entities that match the Entity Type you selected are available in the list.
Device Select the contact-free continuous monitoring device on which to run the report.
Alert Types Select the types of alerts that you want to view that occurred during the specified time period. You can include all alerts associated with the selected Device, or specific types, such as High HR, Low RR, or Unit Malfunction.
Report Start Date Select the start date for the report.
Report End Date Select the end date for the report.
Alert Display Use to show or hide the following reporting elements, including alerts.
  • Summary - A Summary table of alerts that displays Alert Type and Number of Occurrences, sorted by Alert Type.
  • Chart - A line chart showing the number of alerts for each Alert Type over a year and month.
  • Details - A list of each individual alert, including the alert type, start date and time, end date and time, and specific device.