Early Warning Scores Insights Report
Report Details
The Early Warning Scores Insights report includes deterioration metrics, score statistics, score comparisons, score influencers, and sepsis risk factors for the selected entity, location, and/or patient in the selected time period.
Report Filters
Use the following filters to control the information displayed for the Early Warning Scores Insights report.
- Entity
- Use to select the hierarchy for the report (Enterprise, Region, Organization, Facility).
- Location
- Select the customer location hierarchy where an event, such as a score or observation, occurred.
- Time Period
- Select a specific time period of information to display. Please note that reporting times are displayed in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), not local time.
- Scoring Model
- Select MEWS or SIRS to display information for either scoring model.
- Risk Level
- Select to display the risk level associated with a given score (Low Risk, Moderate Risk or High Risk).
- Parameter Status
- Select to display the status of a clinical parameter within a score (In Range, Out of Range, Not Available). Note that Not Available is the same as missing. Anything with a contribution of 0 points is considered In Range. Anything with a contribution less than 0 points is considered Out of Range and adds points to the overall score.
- Parameter Presence
- Select to display the presence (or timeliness) of a clinical parameter within a score (Timely, Stale, or Not Available). Please note that Timely is the same as Normal and Not Available is the same as Missing.
- Parameter Type
- Select the parameter type to display for a score. For example, Heart Rate, Temperature, or AVPU Score.
- Device Type
- Select a specific device type associated with an event. For example, Bed or Vital Signs Monitor.
- Deterioration
- Select to display a specific indicator or event found within the report data. Available options include Death, Discharge, Septic Shock, Severe Sepsis, and Transfer.
Additional filters are available in the Filters pane on the right side of the page. Click Filters to expand this pane. You can then filter the report based on patient MRN, age group, gender, encounter status, event status, and so forth.