Early Warning Scores - Patient View Report
Report Details
The Early Warning Scores - Patient View report includes metrics related to a selected patient's early warning scores during a selected time period during a selected encounter. This report also includes Sepsis risk factors, Sepsis specific details, and the time line of events observed during the reporting period for the selected encounter associated with a patient's scores.
The metrics included in the report are:
- Average Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS)
- Average Systemic Inflammatory Response Score (SIRS)
- Score trends for MEWS
- Clinical parameter average contribution to MEWS over time
- Clinical parameter average contribution to SIRS over time
- MEWS average score trends
- MEWS average score and clinical parameter observation trends
- Sepsis identification criteria and time
- Septic shock identification criteria and time
- Sepsis bundle tasks
- SIRS average score trends
- SIRS average clinical parameter value over time (month/day/hour) showing contribution to score
- Timeline of events
In addition, the Early Warning Scores - Patient View report includes patient demographic information, admission details, location history, and care team assignments.
Report Parameters
Facility | Select the Facility for the report. |
Patient MRN | Select the MRN for the patient for whom you want to run the report. |
Encounter | Select the patient encounter on which you want to run the report. |
Report Start Date | Defaults to the selected encounter's start date. Select a different start date for the report, if necessary. |
Report Start Time | Select the start time for the report. |
Report End Date | Defaults to the selected encounter's end date. Select a different end date for the report, if necessary. |
Report End Time | Select the end time for the report. |
Zoom Lens Date | Select the Zoom Lens Date. The default value is the Report End Date. |
Zoom Lens Time | Select half hour increments from 12:00AM to 11:30PM; defaults to hour of Report End Time. |
Zoom Lens Coverage | Select from 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, or 12 hours. Default is 1 hour. The Zoom Lens focuses on the selected coverage period leading up to the selected Zoom Date and Time. |
Risk Score | Select the type of early warning score to display in the report, either SIRS or MEWS. |
Event Types | Select the types of encounter events to include in the report, if desired. For example, Alert, Admission, Medication Administration, CFCM On/Off, CFCM Threshold and so forth. |