Early Warning Scores - Patient View Report

Report Details

The Early Warning Scores - Patient View report includes metrics related to a selected patient's early warning scores during a selected time period during a selected encounter. This report also includes Sepsis risk factors, Sepsis specific details, and the time line of events observed during the reporting period for the selected encounter associated with a patient's scores.

The metrics included in the report are:

  • Average Modified Early Warning Score (MEWS)
  • Average Systemic Inflammatory Response Score (SIRS)
  • Score trends for MEWS
  • Clinical parameter average contribution to MEWS over time
  • Clinical parameter average contribution to SIRS over time
  • MEWS average score trends
  • MEWS average score and clinical parameter observation trends
  • Sepsis identification criteria and time
  • Septic shock identification criteria and time
  • Sepsis bundle tasks
  • SIRS average score trends
  • SIRS average clinical parameter value over time (month/day/hour) showing contribution to score
  • Timeline of events

In addition, the Early Warning Scores - Patient View report includes patient demographic information, admission details, location history, and care team assignments.

Report Parameters

Facility Select the Facility for the report.
Patient MRN Select the MRN for the patient for whom you want to run the report.
Encounter Select the patient encounter on which you want to run the report.
Report Start Date Defaults to the selected encounter's start date. Select a different start date for the report, if necessary.
Report Start Time Select the start time for the report.
Report End Date Defaults to the selected encounter's end date. Select a different end date for the report, if necessary.
Report End Time Select the end time for the report.
Zoom Lens Date Select the Zoom Lens Date. The default value is the Report End Date.
Zoom Lens Time Select half hour increments from 12:00AM to 11:30PM; defaults to hour of Report End Time.
Zoom Lens Coverage Select from 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, or 12 hours. Default is 1 hour. The Zoom Lens focuses on the selected coverage period leading up to the selected Zoom Date and Time.
Risk Score Select the type of early warning score to display in the report, either SIRS or MEWS.
Event Types Select the types of encounter events to include in the report, if desired. For example, Alert, Admission, Medication Administration, CFCM On/Off, CFCM Threshold and so forth.