Contact Free Continuous Monitoring - Device View Report

The Contact Free Continuous Monitoring - Device View report displays a table that depicts each sensor, including the device model name, model number, and serial number, that has expired or will expire within the next 6 months.

The sensors in the table are grouped into the following categories:

  • Expired
  • Expiring within 7 days
  • Expiring within 6 months

The Contact Free Continuous Monitoring - Sensor Expiration report includes alerts sent from a Contact Free Continuous Monitoring device identified with a device type value of Bed.

Report Parameters

Parameter Description
Authorized Facilities Enter a comma separated list of 4-character identifiers representing the Facilities that the currently logged in user should be able to see in this report.
Entity Type Use to select the Entity type and Level for the report. For example, Facility and 4.
Entity Select the Entity on which to run the report.
Start Date Select the report start date.
End Date Select the report end date.
Device Select a device from the drop-down list on which to run the report.
Alert Types Select the CFCM alert types on which to run the report from the drop-down list.
View Select graphical or tabular view from the drop-down list.
Alert Granularity Select the Default or Full Workflow drop-down options.