Navigating the Falls Investigation - Patient View Report
When you run the Falls Investigation - Patient View report in Graphical View, the following information is displayed:
- Patient Demographics
- Displays the patient's full name, medical record number (MRN), date of birth, age, gender, Is Deceased flag, and Deceased Date, if applicable.
- Admission Details
- Displays the patient's admission details, including the date and time of admission to the facility and the date and time of discharge.
- Falls Investigation
- Displays the date and time of the incident for which you ran the report.
- Room Assignments
- Displays a chart with the details of each location to which the patient was assigned during the time period you selected using the report parameters. These details include the location name, the date and time at which the patient was assigned to the location, the date and time at which the patient was unassigned from the location, and the duration the location was active.
- Patient Detected
- This chart shows when the patient was detected in their assigned bed (True), as well as periods of time when they were not detected, or were out of bed (False).
- Falls Risk
- The Falls Risk chart shows the patient's Falls Risk Assignment during the selected time period. This includes the assignment value (At Risk, Not at Risk, or Unknown), the effective start date and time, effective end date and time, and the duration that the Falls Risk Assignment was active.
- Bed Exit
- The Bed Exit chart displays the duration of active bed exit settings and alerts during the selected time period. For bed exit, this can include when the bed was in OutofBedMode or ExitingMode, when the Bed Exit setting was turned off, and when there was a bed exit alert.
- Bed Brake
- The Bed Brake chart displays the duration of active bed brake settings and alerts. For example, amount of time the bed brake was active during the selected time period.
- Bed Height
- The Bed Height chart displays the duration of each active bed height setting and alert.
- Bed Rails
- The Bed Rails chart displays the duration of each active bed rail setting and alert. For example, the amount of time the head and foot rails were up or down.

When you run the report in Tabular view, a table is displayed with the following information: