Falls Protocol Compliance Insights Report

Use the Falls Protocol Compliance Insights report to view relevant bed settings over a selected time period and ensure your facility is complying with standard falls risk protocols.

The Falls Protocol Compliance Insights report does not contain protected health information. It displays only de-identified data, enabling you to identify trends between bed settings and patient falls at your facility.

Bed settings that are relevant to falls and are included in this report include:

  • Patient positioning alarm setting (also referred to as Bed Exit)
  • Bed height
  • Brake switch status
  • Bed rails (including the number of combined head and foot rails and whether they are up or down)

Report filters

Filters are displayed at the top of the page and include the following:

Use to select the enterprise, region, or organization for which you want to view the report.
Use to select the location within the chosen hierarchy for which you want to view the report.
Time Period
Use to select the time period for the report. For example, select Last, enter a 6 in the text field, and then select Months to view
Falls Risk selector
Use to view only beds that contain falls risk patients (At Risk), beds that contain patients who are not at risk for falls (Not at Risk), or patients whose falls risk status is unknown (Unknown).
Compliance Settings
Use to select the compliance settings to view in the report. Press and hold the CTRL key to select multiple items from the same category.
Figure 1. Report filters

Figure 2. Compliance Settings